The Biggest Growth Mindset Mistake of Them All

Last week we learned about two common mistakes to avoid when you're in Growth Mindset Mode.


This week we'll talk about the third, and often the biggest, mistake many of us make when we're focused on putting growth mindset to practice.


Here it is: we do too much.


This is probably not what you were expecting. We've spent the last three weeks learning that Growth Mindset Mode requires A LOT from you - a serious commitment to doing the work it takes to grow and to persevere on that path.


Let me explain.


When people learn about the concept of growth mindset and Growth Mindset Mode they get very excited - and rightly so.  Learning, practicing, and mastering this skill will do wonders for your life because of its ability to help you persevere through the inexorable challenges of growth and development.


That said, because growth mindset requires so much from you, it is imperative that you are judicious with the areas of your life in which you choose to enter into Growth Mindset Mode.


It is easy to get carried away by our excitement  and to try to be in Growth Mindset Mode in every area of our life - our career, our personal life, our family, our fitness, our hobbies…and on and on and on.


Unless you're Superman or Wonder Woman, trying to be in Growth Mindset Mode in all these areas is a recipe for disaster.  Because you're human, you must choose what areas in your life you want to be in Growth Mindset Mode and - just as importantly - which areas of your life you don't want to be in Growth Mindset Mode. Why?  Because you can't grow and develop in every area of your life at the same time.


Some of you will read that last sentence as a challenge. A few years ago I would have read it as a challenge, too.  I was under the illusion that I could (and should) put 100 percent into everything. But the thing is, I can't and I shouldn't.  And neither should you.  And it isn't because we're weak or that we're getting too much sleep.  It's just physics - you can only be in one place at a time and, similarly, you only have the time to work hard at one or two things at a time. Some areas need to remain in status quo (for now) so that you have the bandwidth to grow other areas.


You can't work towards that promotion, attend every event at your child's school, learn to be a better leader for your team, repair that relationship with your mom - all while training for a half marathon.  You will not be able to reach your true potential in any of these areas if you're tackling them all at the same time.


Please choose.


So avoid the biggest growth mindset mistake of them all - trying to implement growth mindset thinking into anything and everything.


Again, this is when I reiterate that Growth Mindset Mode is not positive thinking.  This is not about only believing that you can do it all, improve at it all, and master it all.  This is about choosing one or two critical areas in your life that you want to improve, making a solid plan to get there, and persevering in your ability to flip from fixed to growth mindset when you experience one or many setbacks.


If you're feeling deflated by this, please note that this is good news.  If you're able to focus on one to two areas to implement growth mindset mode you're well on the path to growth and development.


Remember, think small to make BIG things happen!


Your Emotions. Your Superpower.


Common Growth Mindset Mistakes to Avoid